The SHINE Series features individuals who I meet on my travels or through my network who inspires me through their mindset, actions and/ or heart to flourish.

Whenever someone shares with me that they are suffering from pains and aches, I will ask if they are open to Traditional Chinese Medicine. If yes, I will recommend that they see Physician Peh Tian Chi. I first met her when I went to see her for a severe back ache many years ago. At that time, she was based at the Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital. She was not the first TCM physician I have consulted but she is the first that left me highly impressed with her diagnosis, expertise and her immense heart for her patients. If you have taken my workshop on What’s Your Presence, her presence totally resonates with that of how you would imagine a great physician to be like. Through the years, we have become friends and I am also her fan. Wherever she goes, I follow (and the rest of my family and friends too). It gives me immense joy that she said yes to being featured. Reading her favorite quote “You have just one life, yet if you live it in the right way, once is good enough.” provides you with what guides her to be who she is. If you are looking for an awesome physician, I highly recommend her (while she is based at a women’s clinic, she sees men too).

Peh Tian Chi 白医师 – Head Physician , Yi TCM, Singapore

What inspired you to become a physician? 

We understand that you’re trained in both Western and Eastern medicine, could you share more?

What challenges, if any, did you find at the beginning of your journey and how did you overcome them?  

What may be one or two memorable experiences you’ve had being a physician?

What’s the hardest part of being a physician?

What is a typical work day like for you?

What daily habits do you use to help you succeed?

What makes you smile?

For people who values their well-being, what are the top three things that you recommend they do more of? What three things to do less of?

1. Stay Positive1. Struggling with stress
2. Sufficient Sleep2. Isolation, not reaching out for help/support
3. Avoid unbalanced diet3. Physical inactivity

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